Estate Planning
Estate Planning entails more than the drawing up of a last will and testament.
Estate Planning consists of analysing and counselling in the fields of matrimonial property law, inheritance law and estate taxes. Married couples respectively registered partners have the opportunity of concluding contracts with regard to the matrimonial property or regarding the common property of the registered partners. Depending on the survivors, Swiss inheritance law defines the compulsory shares for the surviving spouse/partner, descendants and/or parents.
During recent years, the number of international relationships (regarding citizenship, foreign domicile, place of the assets involved, multi-national couples) has increased. It is therefore necessary not only to have a sophisticated knowledge of Swiss law, but a basic understanding of foreign inheritance law too.
Our services consist of advice for establishing:
- last wills & testaments
- matrimonial property contracts
- inheritance contracts
- contracts for concubinage and registered partnerships
- contracts for loans and gifts
- usufruct contracts
- real estate deeds of cession regarding real estate during the owner’s lifetime.
Our estate planning clients:
Swiss nationals and foreigners, both domiciled in Switzerland as well as Swiss nationals domiciled abroad, respectively foreigners who own real estate in Switzerland.