Planning for incapacity

A mandate in anticipation of incapacity may prevent an official placement under guardianship by the children and adult protection authorities (in German: KESB/Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutzbehörde)

Under the children and adult protective law in Switzerland you may create a mandate in anticipation of your physical or mental incapacity. The authorised private representative may act instead of an official appointed guardian and may handle daily activities. The representative may act in the fields of personal care (accommodation, physical well-being, medical care), wealth management (payments, asset management) and legal care (e.g. liability claims) as long as the incapacity of the principal continues.

Not only elderly persons, but especially entrepreneurs, may take precautions for temporary or permanent incapacity (e.g. after an accident and a hospitalisation).

In addition, we may accompany or represent our clients in contacts with banks, insurance companies, attorneys-at-law, brokers, law courts, brokers and government offices (tax office, funeral office etc.).

We administrate, make payments and correspond for you if so desired.

Preservation and increase of your assets, support with the implementation of your investment strategy and your personal goals are in the centre of our efforts.